Saturday, March 8, 2008

The Quiz

The quiz, answering all questions sound and soul... at least according to Jef.

1.What is your earliest memory of sound? How do you feel about it now?
My earliest memory of sound is probably... the sound of rice crispies crackling in milk. And I still love that sound, I often find myself pausing before I eat just to listen to the crackling.
2. When do you notice your breath?
Right now hahaha, no but actually, after an exhausting exercise is when I notice the most, or right before bed.
3. What is attention?
Attention is what my mind is transfixed upon.
4. Can you imagine composing or improvising a piece based on breath rhythms?
Yes, but it wouldn't be very dynamic without a few yawns and snores.
5. What sound reminds you of home?
The fire place crackling and the cat whining.
6. Do you listen for sound in your dreams? What do you hear? How does it
affect you?
I usually dont, just people's voices I guess, and I just listen to what they say
7. The distinguished historian, Wiliam H. McNeil, has recently argued in his
book Keeping Together in Time that "coordinated rhythmical activity is
fundamental to life in society."
Can you imagine tracking a rhythm pattern in your daily life and writing about
Sometimes I often to hear or create rhythm in my surroundings so yea I could do that.
8. Can you imagine rhythm pattern for the rhythm circle with your own form of

9. Can you imagine composing or improvising a piece for voices using attention
Haha, that would be fun
10. What is sound?
Sound is vibrations translated though moving air in our ears.
11. What is listening?
Focusing on those signals sent to our brain
12. What action(s) is usually synchronized with sound?
13. When do you feel sound in your body?
When I'm hungry
14. What sound fascinates you?
The sound of moving water
15. What is a soundscape?
The picture of an environment painted with sounds.
16. What are you hearing right now? How is it changing?
The sound of a computer fan, the typing keys and a movie playing quietly in the back ground, the fan just turned off, the movie is constantly changing its sounds and the keys are fairly constant.
17. How many sounds can you hear all at once?
A bagillion!
18. How far can you hear sounds?
It depends on their decibel level and reverberation, but when I'm in the mountains, a loooong way!
19. Are you sure that you are hearing every thing that is to hear?
Nope, there is a lot on the sounds scale, high and low that we cannot hear.
20. What more could you hear if you had bigger ears? (or smaller)
I have no idea, i suppose things would just be louder or quieter
21. Can you hear more sounds if you are quiet? How many more?
Yes, it depends on where I am and what is going on around me
22. How long can you listen?
I suppose till dead
23. When are you not listening?
When I am sleeping
24. Can you not listen when something is sounding?
Its awfully hard
25. Try not listen to anything. What happens?
I can't help it, it actually makes it harder
26. How can you not listen if your ears never close?
You can't
27. What meaning does any sound have for you?
Some sounds have more meaning or less depending on my experiences I attribute them to, for good or worse.
28. What is favourite sound? How is it made? When can you hear it? Are you
hearing it now?
My favorite sound is moving water, its made by moving water, no I'm not hearing it now, but wish I was...
29. What is the soundscape of the space you are now occupying?
A computer, a television, and my breathing filling a quiet house. Also the sound of my ticking watch, the furnace turning on and off, and the cat walking across the kitchen floor above me.
30. How is the soundscape shaped? or what makes a soundscape?
The sounds working together in various volumes to make the listener feel like they are moving around the space.
31. What is the soundscape of your neighborhood?
Usually cars driving, kids playing outside, garage doors opening and dogs barking.
32. What is the soundscape of your city?
Usually cars driving, kids playing outside, garage doors opening and dogs barking.
33. How many different soundscapes can you imagine?
One for every place in this world.
34. What would you like to have in your own soundscape?
Accoustic Guitar! And running water.
35. What would you record to represent your soundscape?
Accoustic guitar, long showers, frying bacon, and some nice jazz music in the back ground.
36. What sound makes you speculative?
I don't really know...
37. What sounds gives you chills?
The cello, but chills in a good way
38. What sound ruffles your scalp?
Really high pitched whines, like girls screaming with excitement.
39. What sound changes your breathing?
Really frantic punk music
40. What sound would you like whispered in your ear?
The voice of God

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